All BIOFORM products are manufactured in Canada / the U.S.A.
All orders are shipped from Canada / the U.S.A.
Most orders are processed within 1-2 business days, provided the items are in stock and payment is verified.
Orders are shipped via FEDEX, UPS, Purolator, DHL, or Canada Post.
You will receive another notification when your order has shipped, and delivered.
Free shipping Within Canada and the U.S.A.
Expected transit time: To the US, and Canada 5-7 business days.
International Shipping
Will be calculated at Checkout
To most international destinations, 6-10 business days.
International customers are responsible for fees and taxes collected by their country.
Please note:
-BIOFORM does not process orders during holidays or weekends
-All orders are charged sales tax if applicable
-BIOFORM does not accept gift cards other than those purchased on this website (for use on this website only).
-BIOFORM shall not be held responsible and/or liable to any delay in shipping occurring due to Coovid-19 or any other force majeure.
Our Products:
Energizer Serum for Men:
The first non-medicinal topical treatment to stops hair loss in men within 7 days.
Read More![mhairsmall](
Energizer Serum for Women:
The first non-medicinal topical treatment to stops hair loss in women within 14 days.
Read More![whairsmall](