Q & A

Frequently Asked Questions.

BIOFORM Acne Scars Cream

Can I apply BIOFORM Acne Scars Cream during the day?
The best time to apply BIOFORM Acne Scars Cream is half an hour to one hour before bedtime. Message in the cream, allow absorption before going to bed. If for any reason unable to use at night, then you can apply the cream during the day subject not to expose your face to sun light and avoid any source of heat such as the stove, hot air or hot light.
Can I apply foundation or make up over BIOFORM Acne Scars Cream?
Apply the cream, give it half to one hour for complete absorption then you can apply foundation / make up.

Energizer Hair Serum

Can I use BIOFORM Energizer Serum more than once a day?
You can use the serum 1-2 times a day. (you can use the serum as much as needed).
Can I use BIOFORM Energizer serum along with Minoxidil?
Yes you can, no problem.