All BIOFORM Products come with 180 days Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee (MBSG).
We are so confident you will be happy with BIOFORM products that we offer a limited 180-day money back guarantee!
If you are not fully satisfied with your purchase for any reason, simply return all used and unused bottles of products within 180-days from the date your order is received for a complete refund of the purchase price and taxes according to the following rules.
Shipping and handling is not refundable. You must return all used and unused bottles of products originally sent to you at your own expense to us with note requesting a refund. Any items purchased in addition to 1 six month supply of BIOFORM products, must be unused and in original condition to be refundable. We must receive all items no later than 180-days from the date your order was delivered by the carrier as indicated by the delivery confirmation information. In absence of tracking information your guarantee ends 180 days from your order date. Guarantee valid for one purchase per household and products directly purchased from BIOFORM. Failure to follow these policies may result in partial refund or no refund.
This guarantee is valid only for products directly purchased from BIOFORM. For BIOFORM products purchased from other retailers please contact them directly for their return policy and return procedures.
6880 Columbus Road, Unit #3, Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2G1 Canada
Terms and Conditions
In order to enjoy our (MBSG), you should follow the following instructions:
1-Place your order, make payment and send a pic for the skin you want to treat (send the pics by email to
2-Start using the product as directed.
3-Every week send us a pic of the skin area which is under treatment.
4-After you finish the full course treatment, if you are not satisfied with the results contact us for refund.
Our Guarantee Policy for Energizer Hair and Scalp serum for MEN:
By using the product as directed, we do guarantee:
To stop excessive hair loss in men within 7-10 days, as far as the customer
is not in a health condition/under a medication which may cause hair loss.
Our Guarantee Policy for Energizer Hair and Scalp serum for WOMEN:
By using the product as directed, we do guarantee:
To stop excessive hair loss in women within 15-30 days, as far as the customer
is not in a health condition/under a medication which may cause hair loss.
Our Products:
Energizer Serum for Men:
The first non-medicinal topical treatment to stops hair loss in men within 7 days.
Read More![mhairsmall](
Energizer Serum for Women:
The first non-medicinal topical treatment to stops hair loss in women within 14 days.
Read More![whairsmall](