The founder and his story

In June 1992, a 39 years old businessman (BSC Pharmacist) landed in Canada as an entrepreneur immigrant, with a dream to make his project true. His project was to develop a superior natural treatments for the most persistent hair & skin disorders.

The natural ingredients are safer than the synthetic chemicals. However the chemicals are far more potent. The challenge was to develop unique products based on natural ingredients as potent as the chemical products but much safer to our health.

The Founder established a state of the art R&D Lab. Recruited the right qualified scientists team. After a 3 years of persistent R&D, the team succeeded in developing an advanced biotechnology which enabled boosting the therapeutic efficacy of the natural ingredients.
The first batch of our 7 products were tested in 1995. Within a 3 years the products were sold globally. In 2004 The Founder sold the business of 32 unique products. After then, the Founder just focused on offering advanced R&D services to international cosmetic companies. At the same time he continued advanced R&D in developing a unique Hair & Skin care products.

Today, we are proud to introduce:

BIOFORM Acne Scars Cream:

The first ever effective topical treatment Clinically Proven
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Energizer Serum for Men:

The first non-medicinal topical treatment to stops hair loss in men within 7 days.
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Energizer Serum for Women:

The first non-medicinal topical treatment to stops hair loss in women within 14 days.
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More unique treatments are coming soon for:

Acne, Melasma, Hyperpigmentation, Hemorrhoids, Eczema, Psoriasis, Ant-Aging,

Ron Smith The Founder
BSC Pharm. MBA